Located in Liberia, Guanacaste, 6 km from the city of Liberia, on the way to the Daniel Oduber Quirós Airport, between the Buildings of the Tránsito and La Liga de la Caña 4Km from the airport and 2Km from NYA COSTA RICA tourism project. Area: 36 Hectares 841.90m2.=360.841.009m2. Ideal for Real Estate or Agricultural development. USE OF LAND: IT IS Generic, meaning it is authorized for everything. as long as there is no regulatory plan (there is none) and in the meantime remain valid.. IMPORTANT: PURCHASE OPTIONS ARE HEARD in the form of terms, payments, direct financing, etc. Even evaluate receives part of payment for properties such as warehouses, preferably rented condominiums
No # Liberia Frente A Carretera Y Aeropuerto 36 Hts C R