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Tagged : selling my home

Found 22 blog entries tagged as "selling my home".

Leverage Your Equity When You Sell Your House

One of the benefits of being a homeowner is that you build equity over time. By selling your house, that equity can be used toward purchasing your next home. But before you can put it to use, you should understand exactly what equity is and how it grows. Bankrate explains it like this:

“Home equity is the portion of your home you’ve paid off – in other words, your stake in the property as opposed to the lender’s. In practical terms, home equity is the appraised value of your home minus any outstanding mortgage and loan balances.”

Majority of Americans Have a Large Amount of Equity

If you’ve owned your home for a while, you’ve likely built up some equity – and you may not even realize how

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Equity Gains for Today’s Homeowners

Equity Gains for Today’s Homeowners | MyKCM


Today’s homeowners are sitting on significant equity, even as home price appreciation has eased recently. If you’re a homeowner, your net worth got a boost over the past few years thanks to rising home prices. Here’s what it means for you, even as the market moderates.

How Equity Has Grown in Recent Years 

Because of the imbalance between how many homes were for sale and the number of homebuyers in the market over the past few years, home prices appreciated substantially.

And while price appreciation has slowed this year, that doesn’t mean you’ve lost all the equity in your home. In fact, the latest Homeowner Equity Insights report from CoreLogic finds the average homeowner’s equity has grown by

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An Expert Makes All the Difference When You Sell Your House

An Expert Makes All the Difference When You Sell Your House | MyKCM

If you’re thinking of selling your house, it’s important to work with someone who understands how the market is changing and what it means for you. Here are five reasons working with a professional can ensure you’ll get the most out of your sale.

1. They’re Experts on Market Trends

With today’s housing market defined by change, it’s critical to work with someone who knows the latest information and how it impacts your goals. An expert real estate advisor knows about national trends and your local area too. More importantly, they’ll give insight to what all of this means for you, so they’ll be able to help you make a decision based on trustworthy, data-bound information.

2. A Local

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Why It’s Easy To Fall in Love with Homeownership

Why It’s Easy To Fall in Love with Homeownership | MyKCM

No matter how the housing market changes, there are some things about owning a home that never change—like the personal benefits it can provide. When you own your home, you likely feel a sense of attachment because of the comfort it gives and also because it’s a space that’s truly yours.

Over the last few years, we’ve fully embraced the meaning of our homes as we spent more time than ever in them. As a result, the emotional benefits our homes provide have become even more important to us.

As the most recent State of the American Homeowner from Unison puts it:

“. . . one thing has stayed the same: the home continues to be of the utmost importance and a place of security and comfort.

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What You Should Know About Closing Costs

What You Should Know About Closing Costs | MyKCM

Before you buy a home, it’s important to plan ahead. While most buyers consider how much they need to save for a down payment, many are surprised by the closing costs they have to pay. To ensure you aren’t caught off guard when it’s time to close on your home, you need to understand what closing costs are and how much you should budget for.

What Are Closing Costs?

People are sometimes surprised by closing costs because they don’t know what they are. According to Bankrate:

“Closing costs are the fees and expenses you must pay before becoming the legal owner of a house, condo or townhome . . . Closing costs vary depending on the purchase price of the home and how it’s being financed . . .”


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How To Win as a Buyer in Today’s Housing Market

How To Win as a Buyer in Today’s Housing Market [INFOGRAPHIC] | MyKCM  

How To Win

Some Highlights

  • In today’s housing market, you can still be the champion if you have the right team and strategy.
  • To win as a buyer, you need to build your team, make strategic plays, consider what’s in and out of bounds, and stand out from the crowd.
  • Let’s connect today to make your game-winning play.
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How Experts Can Help Close the Gap in Today’s Homeownership Rate

How Experts Can Help Close the Gap in Today’s Homeownership Rate | MyKCM

As we celebrate Black History Month, we reflect on the past and present experiences of Black Americans. This includes the path toward investing in a home of their own. And while equitable access to housing has come a long way, homeownership can be a steeper climb for households of color. It’s an important experience to talk about, along with how it can make all the difference for diverse homebuyers to work with the right real estate experts.

We know it’s more challenging for some to buy a home because there’s still a measurable gap between the overall average U.S. homeownership rate and that of non-white groups. Today, the lowest homeownership rate persists in the Black

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Number of Homes for Sale Up from Last Year, but Below Pre-Pandemic Years

Number of Homes for Sale Up from Last Year, but Below Pre-Pandemic Years | MyKCM

The biggest challenge in the housing market right now, and likely for years to come, is how few homes there are for sale compared to the number of people who want to buy. That’s why, if you’re thinking about selling your house, this is a great time to do so. Your house would be welcome in a market that has fewer homes for sale than it did in the years leading up to the pandemic.

According to the latest Monthly Housing Market Trends Report from

“There were 65.5% more homes for sale in January compared to the same time in 2022. This means that there were 248,000 more homes available to buy this past month compared to one year ago. While the number

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The Top Reasons for Selling Your House

The Top Reasons for Selling Your House | MyKCM

Many of today’s homeowners bought or refinanced their homes during the pandemic when mortgage rates were at history-making lows. Since rates doubled in 2022, some of those homeowners put their plans to move on hold, not wanting to lose the low mortgage rate they have on their current house. And while today’s rates have started coming down from last year’s peak, they’re still higher than they were a couple of years ago.

Today, 93% of outstanding mortgages have a rate at or below 6%. That means a strong majority of homeowners with mortgages have a rate below what they’d get if they moved right now. But if you’re a homeowner in that position, remember that mortgage rates aren’t the only thing to consider when

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